Writer Profiles

Tracy Glatz

// Writer

TRACY GLATZ has a background in science and corporate leadership but became the founder of ‘The Chocolatey Truth’ after responding to a call from God to heal her lifelong battle with food. Through coaching, training and public speaking, Tracy is committed to helping women of all ages also heal their relationship with food, unlock their full potential and succeed in life. She glorifyies God in all that she does.

Website: www.tracyglatz.co.nz
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tracyglatzauthor
Photo: Tracy Glatz

My Face And God

MY FACE AND GOD. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can affect any part of the body. For Tracy, it affected her face. Convinced she looked hideous, extreme paranoia and anxiety resulted in drug-abuse, destructive relationships, urges to end her life and eventually, the loss of her physical health. Consumed by shame, she planned on taking her secret to the grave. Then out of nowhere, in her early twenties, God stepped in and a fascinating chain of supernatural events began to occur. In the complete absence of any type of medication or behavioural therapy, BDD and its toxic by-products were stamped out one by one despite her resistance to the new spiritual world she found herself in. Join Tracy for a no-holds barred account into the darkest recesses of her broken mind and to see how her healing and her spiritual growth went hand in hand.

Website: www.tracyglatz.co.nz
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tracyglatzauthor/
Writer: Tracy Glatz

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