Writer Profiles

    Maree Baigent-Harris

    // Writer

    MAREE BAIGENT-HARRIS is a first-time writer and the founder of Creative Ideology she is an artist, story teller, and Life Coach. The story emerged for Maree while working on behalf of Doctor Lance O’Sullivan as a nurse in his medical initiative in South Auckland planted in low decile schools. She predominately worked with Maori and Pacific Islanders and after a day working with this broken demographic the story emerged of Moana – a situation which is too common in schools and society today. After also introducing a course for self esteem it was evident that at the core of humanity is the need for value, purpose and significance. The Story of Moana will challenge bullying with the power of forgiveness/value and kindness.

    Photo: Maree Baigent-Harris

    Moana: You Are Valued

    MOANA: You Are Valued. The question is; can bullying be reversed before long term irreparable damage has been done in a child’s life? Maree invites you to go on a journey with Moana. After another lonely, isolating experience in her life Moana had lost all sense of purpose. She was desperate for friendship and acceptance. All she wanted was to be loved and to have a friend who would accept her for who she was. She was lost and frightened and had no sense of belonging. The question is does Moana have purpose? She no longer knew who she was meant to be. The story unfolds through an embarrassing moment that left Moana shattered to the brink of wanting to hide away in shame.

    Email: mareeannette@xtra.co.nz
    Writer: Maree Baigent-Harris

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