Writer Profiles

    Jill Clarke

    // Writer

    JILL CLARKE is a widow living in Wanganui. She agrees with the fact Whanganui/Wanganui was recently judged the most beautiful of New Zealand cities. Recently challenged to write of her experiences she accepted. Realising writing wasn’t new for her she remembered high praise for a school essay. Editing a newsletter for the Brownie Group as Brown Owl. There were also small articles for a Christian magazine and success in an essay competition with a given title. Jill is a member of a U3A Writers Group. Jill’s work with elderly people has helped her appreciate God’s care for us as our hair changes colour and we need support for our aging bodies. She’s involved in ministry at her local church and runs a Christian Widow’s support group in her community.

    Photo: Jill Clarke

    Liberated Life Sentence

    LIBERATED LIFE SENTENCE: Memoir Of A Diabetic. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 5, I have spent 72 years on insulin. I am proof that diabetics, with common sense and care can live a fulfilling and satisfying life. There are restrictions placed on us by the disease. My book and my life are full of adventures and misadventures that God has faithfully seen me through. The book, is written in a light tone to give others the opportunity to understand diabetes. You have to work at it, no-one can do it for you.

    Email: jill.clarke1@xtra.co.nz
    Writer: Jill Clarke

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