Writer Profiles

    Jill Brookes

    // Writer

    JILL BROOKES has the Lord and a secondary school English teacher’s encouragement to thank for her love of writing. She especially loves to read and write stories, whether fact, or fiction, that take the reader into the story, the landscape, the intrigue; whatever the description, the emotion, or the mystery. Besides writing, Jill is an avid tramper and landscape photographer. She has had a children’s story, “A Coat for Hippo” published, has several other children’s stories awaiting illustrations, and is currently writing a novel.

    Photo: Jill Brookes

    A Coat For Hippo

    A COAT FOR HIPPO. Hippo is a young and proud hippopotamus who does not like the coat he has been given. He sets out on a journey to search for a more suitable coat, one he will be proud to wear, and more like the coat he believes a fine specimen like him deserves. Do you agree with Hippo? If you could, would you give Hippo a different coat? Find out what happens as Hippo seeks a better coat for himself.

    Email: jmbrookes@protonmail.com
    Writer: Jill Brookes

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