Writer Profiles

    Glenn Grant

    // Writer

    GLENN GRANT lives in Auckland, and claims to be the wealthiest man on earth, as his wife and sons are his best friends! Susan, his better half, is a lecturer and member of the management team at AUT, in the Psychotherapy Masters Programme, and a registered counsellor, who has co-pastored two church plants with Glenn and is self-appointed in keeping him in line! Glenn writes from experiential views of the spirit as he has lived through things most deny! Raised in a dysfunctional and abusive household with his father, a Rosicrucian, indoctrinating him into the occult. Glenn self-indulged into Satanism and ironically came to Christ in 1978 when he was sent to destroy evangelist, Hans Konstra’s ministry, where he encountered God in spiritual warfare that changed his life. The gifts of the spirit (Rom & 1 Cor 12) are evident in his intimate walk with Christ, and he has led many to Jesus. His fictional book, ‘Yesterday’s Virgin – Tomorrow’s Spouse’ explores the intricacies’ of the blood covenant and is used in counselling. Glenn is also a film director and producer, scriptwriter (4), Chairman, editor and GM on two newspapers (owning one), with numerous articles published, a professional sportsman, rally driver and executive management of the SABC (24 radio stations & 4 Television channels), speaks numerous languages and has lived in five countries. Glenn has been an evangelist and worked in the food ministry alongside Reinhard Bonnke for two years. He has planted, and pastored, four churches in South Africa, Austria and Botswana, and is passionate for the lost – “I love Jesus more than my wife or sons, and I want to go where Christ is not known!” Join Glenn on his website and take part in his blog and upcoming YouTube/Vimeo talk show and suicidality documentary series.

    Website: www.glenngrantwriting.com
    Photo: Glenn Grant

      Second Son: Inception

      SECOND SON: Inception. Adam created by God. Anti-Christ created by…? God offers His Spirit – A female offers her egg – A male offers his sperm.The three combine to create life. Should the first be missing, then where does life come from? Second Son is based on experiential truths whilst challenging one with hard-hitting moral dilemmas. In a world that has gone insane, it is timeous in its revelations into the spiritual realm that we all have to deal with, yet many deny. The ‘Second Son’ series of five novels follows two key characters over 30 years: their trials, triumphs and the eventual selection of one of them becoming the single world leader. This task involves willing scientists, politicians, doctors, financiers and religious leaders. ‘Inception’, the first of the five lays the foundation as Sven Granger, a dedicated believer and head of research at G.O.D. (Government Obstetrics Department), faces life-changing circumstances in his personal and work arenas that tear at him and his beliefs. Employed to drive medical research and passionate about abortion, his beliefs and relationships are challenged by the intricate medical, moral and spiritual aspects of human cloning. Sven’s nemesis in this journey is Senator Prevari, a career politician, Grand Wizard, coven head, pro-abortionist and the driving force behind creating the first human clone, destined to be a world leader, or perhaps even the Anti-Christ. As the realm of the spirit reveals itself, Sven and his team are hurled into spiritual warfare. Angelic forces galvanised by prayers of faith and purposed from the throne, confront the demonic who possess and protect their followers in bringing about Satan’s second son of perdition.

      Website: www.glenngrantwriting.com
      Writer: Glenn Grant

      Yesterday’s Virgin – Tomorrow’s Spouse

      YESTERDAY’S VIRGIN – TOMORROW’S SPOUSE: How Blood Covenants Affect Your Faith And Relationships!. “Call unto me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3. Glenn Grant, pursuing his ministry of marriage counselling took God at His word and cried out for answers to the seemingly overwhelming problems and unspeakable pain experienced by people in shattered relationships. God answered him, and the astonishing insights he gained have brought healing and victory to many. Join Grant as he explored these life-changing aspects, including:


      Wisdom is a gift of God that is freely available to all who receive it. Through faith in His Word, God’s many blessings will become yours.

      Website: www.glenngrantwriting.com
      Writer: Glenn Grant

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