Writer Profiles

    Gillian Brebner

    // Writer

    GILLIAN BREBNER wondered if some day she might write a book, but still finds herself surprised that she actually has! She enjoyed journaling for years, and then found that the writing disciplines gained in completing her B. App. Theol., and B. Couns., paved the way for writing her first book. She has a deep passion for God, fuelled by her gratefulness for the freedom and grace she has found in Him. Gillian has always enjoyed living out her faith in the diverse spaces of home, work, and the communities of faith she has belonged to. She is happily married to Rowan, her husband of 37 years, and they have three adult children. She currently works as a full-time counsellor.

    Photo: Gillian Brebner

    A Beautiful Thing

    A BEAUTIFUL THING: Uncontainable Worship. Have you ever wondered what kind of worship God is looking for? If there was a living, breathing, example of this kind of devotion in Scripture would you want to know more? Fortunately, Jesus Himself left us a memorial of this type of worship. He calls this worship a Beautiful Thing. This little book invited you into the adventure of worship. It unfolds layers of the story of the memorial, and is for those who hunger and thirst for more of God’s Spiti, are dissatisfied with surface fluff, and are ready to look deeper. Be prepared for some surprises and some fresh insights into Jesus, His followers, and your own heart. Most of all be prepared to meet a woman whose radical, uncontainable love for Jesus sets the bar for worship, for all time.

    Email: gbreb@hotmail.com
    Writer: Gillian Brebner

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