Writer Profiles

Paul Devereux

// Writer

PAUL DEVEREUX‘s desire to write is driven by the need to translate the ancient Hebrew language and scriptures into something meaningful for today. He lived and worked in the more traditional Middle East cultures for over 15 years and has spent additional years exploring the depths of the ancient Proto-Semitic language – usually known as Ancient Hebrew. There are levels of meaning below the surface meaning read in an English translation of the Bible. When these are explored with a microscope and telescope, amazing patterns can be seen which reveal truths which challenge many aspects of modern Western Christian culture. There is incredible treasure and discomfort which needs to be shared. Paul’s ongoing challenge is how best to share this with people – how to organize it so it makes sense and is relevant to ordinary people. What medium is best to engage with people? Online? Book? Video? Collaboration?

Photo: Paul Devereux

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