
Called To Be King

CALLED TO BE KING: A Novel of King David. We’ve all heard of David and Goliath. But whether you believe the Bible is irrelevant to the purpose of this novel. This book takes the story as outlined in the Old Testament, and attempts to get inside the heart and soul of the one who became a King of Israel – the one mentioned in the lineage of Jesus himself. Why was David so badly treated by his family? Why was he so courageous? Did the stone really kill Goliath? What was his attitude to women and why did he listen to some and not others? What was the dysfunction in his family all about? Why did he make so many mistakes and why did God still love and favour him? In this regard an appreciation of reality of the moments in his life, beyond the few words written in scriptures personalizes his life in the way we can see more of the thinking of the disciples when we watch ‘Chosen’ – yet this book was written in 2014.

Writer: Brent Daglish

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