
    Selling Yourself To Employers

    SELLING YOURSELF TO EMPLOYERS: The Essential Job Hunting Guide. You may have the skills to gain a new career or win a dream job but if you are unable to sell yourself to a prospective employer, your potential is unrealised. With this book, discover how you can stand out from the competition and receive more job opportunities and better value job offers than ever before. The achievements questionnaire will help you to discover and identify personal key career highlights and assist in marketing your skills to potential employers. With sections on resumes, covering letters, interviewing tips, networking, direct marketing, salary negotiation and career goal-setting, this book is packed with information. Special downloadable tools include resume and letter templates for immediate use. Simply key in the ISBN from your book and access the templates. The book also includes up-to-date tips and information about social networking, online resources and long-term career planning.

    Writer: Tom O’Neil

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